At WildTeam, we bring over 20 years of experience in supporting conservationists worldwide. Our consultancy services empower organisations to increase their impact, strengthen their operations, and drive meaningful conservation outcomes. Whether you are an NGO or a government agency, we are here to help.

What can our conservation planning support do for your team?
We can help you, your team, and your partners develop stronger conservation plans to increase impact, raise more funds, and sustain your conservation organisation over the long term.
We know the positive benefits of stronger conservation planning through personal experience over the last 20 years of conservation work. Starting with a 4 person team with no affiliation and £3,000 in the bank, we have used our conservation planning skills to create 2 organisations (WildTeam UK and WildTeam Bangladesh) that have in total employed over 100 staff, raised over £10 million in conservation funds, and helped tigers recover from acute poaching pressure in Bangladesh. Since then we developed a Strategy Development for Wildlife Conservation best practice which is used by conservationists around the world to help save sea turtles, wolves, bears, and a wide range of wild areas.

What kind of conservation teams do we support?
We can support any type or size of team to develop their conservation plans. For example, we can provide conservation planning support for:
Government agencies
We can also support your conservation planning no matter what kind of conservation you ae focused on. For example, we could provide conservation planning support for:
Rewilding and restoration projects
Species recovery projects
Capacity building projects
Community conservation projects
Climate change projects
Wildlife crime projects
Law enforcement projects
Awareness and education projects

What kind of conservation planning support do we provide?
We can help you develop and strengthen any kind of conservation plan, including:
A conservation strategy
A monitoring and evaluation plan
A capacity building plan
A programme or project plan
A business plan
Organisational development plan
A national species action plan
We can also help you
Carry out surveys to capture lessons learned that inform your conservation plans.
Operationalise your conservation plans by updating your processes and associated technology.
Create best practice manuals to help others develop their conservation plans.

How much does it cost?
Our conservation planning support costs £55/hour.
That cost is made up of £30/hour for salaries and administration + £25/hour conservation fee to support our charitable aims. That means when you help us, you are also helping other teams all over the world achieve more conservation impact.
We can provide a lot of our conservation planning support remotely, but we are happy to come to your place of work as long as you can cover the costs of our accommodation, transport, and carbon.
Example costs:
£220 to review a draft strategy
£2,200 to facilitate a multi-day workshop to create a conservation strategy
£22,000 to conduct and document a lessons learned survey, or create a best practice

Who have we worked with to provide conservation planning support?
Examples of who we have helped:
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) develop a strategy for their conservation work to save tigers in the Russian far-east.
Born free develop a conservation strategy for the Satpuda Tiger Landscape Partnership.
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) update their monitoring and evaluation system.
The World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) develop a law enforcement best practice, a transboundary conservation best practice, a zero poaching best practice, and a human-wildlife conflict lessons learned report.
The Government of Bangladesh to create the first ever Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan.
The Wildlife Conservation Network update project management processes and develop a sustainability transition plan for the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme.
Oxford University develop a sustainability transition plan for the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme.